art and stuff


back to playing (part 1)

two things, aside from family and friends, that keep me going at this point in my life: making art and playing hockey. finding my way back to making art (not there much since dad died), but will stop playing hockey for a while after tomorrow night, when i have a last team practice before shoulder surgery on tuesday.

definitely bored/annoyed my aforementioned family and friends (and teammates) to zoning out with talking about this surgery, ever since i first gave in and scheduled it. now it’s here. and i’ve prepared.

me, in red, stopping an ex-teammate from leaving the zone (with the puck, of course)

but, sitting in the tub a few minutes ago, i had the idea to keep a blog of my route back to playing hockey. use a daily checklist so that at least i feel like i am working toward hockey again, like following all PT instructions, keeping to a schedule for staying in physical shape, making one (small or maybe not-so-small) drawing in the pad satch made me for hanukah. and of course more art, if possible. and create a final design for the built-in bookcases in the hall. lumber equals $$$ but oh well. maybe my kid (or someone’s kid) would want to assist me in the woodshop until i’m able to use both arms again. something to look into.

have two pieces (on paper) right now in progress, plus the plans for a new universe piece (where a machine interprets each of our emotions to others so we know precisely why our people sometimes act contrary to what we want/expect). plus that one sculpture with all the college brochures mailed to the kids throughout their high school years. and of course memory vs. morality, which i am putting off because i‘ve come to dismiss the premise. i can do something else with it i think, but that will take some serious thinking about — not in the mood yet.

anyhow, i aim to track my progress back to hockey in this space. may change my mind, but as of today, that’s the plan.

pictures? yes or no?