art and stuff


guns now have more rights that i do in the US

had to wake up early this morning cause my

doesn’t matter. abortion pop popping up in my mind all day, along with motherfucker scotus and assorted related things:

  • why is it ok for the supreme court to completely change the outcome of my life, but it isn’t ok for me to go to the individuals’ homes that comprise the supreme court to let them know how it actually does affect me?

  • helps (a little) to remember that i was a small part of the nationwide grass roots action that helped keep abortion legal nationwide, to some extent, for 50 years.

  • feel the pull to actively counter this decision. feeling it really strongly, but i don’t want to go down to protest tonight. for me, that’s pointless. nothing will come of tonight’s protest except for me to see the hundreds/thousands who feel as i do. but we’re not in power, where it counts. and those in power have demonstrated time and again that they are in power to serve themselves, not the best of ALL. they don’t give a shit about most of us.

  • our bicameral, tri-partite system is a failure, in it’s stated goals and so many other ways. our ‘democratic’ system has been manipulated to serve only a small percentage of the population. the sooner everyone realizes this and dissolves our government and builds a new constitution, the sooner things will start to get better for the vast majority. i’m skeptical this will happen while humankind lives.

  • want to help in a way, more than money (which i’ve already been giving, to the major players, but will now increase to smaller mutual-aid-type groups that are on the ground helping individuals travel when needed). already housing asylum seekers and refugees. abortion seekers are just another type of refugee at this point.

  • over the past couple months, i kept saying it’s gonna get worse. this is worse. and i believe it continues to worsen from here.

  • i do blame rbg, as much as i love her, a tiny little bit. but i also know that turtle-face mcconnell has no soul and very well may have prevented two nominations instead of just one.

  • guns now have more rights than people with uteruses.

this is what grief looks like from my little corner of the world. not just grieving roe v. wade, of course, but also the country and world’s entire direction.