art and stuff


say their names

so yeah, we’ve spent much of the last week protesting and volunteering. most of the rest of the week recovering. and yes, they DID use tear gas last monday night against a completely peaceful protest, which we know because we were there. fact that the Park Police finally admitted it doesn’t mean trump or barr did. and no one has apologized. using tear gas against your own citizens during a peaceful protest shouldn’t surprise me, but it did. made me very very very sad. and then, of course, angry. 


woke up tuesday morning deflated and somewhat hopeless. then our friend brent texted that he would be down from NJ in a couple hours. marxe and brent and i went down to lafayette square, where marxe and i volunteered with first aid in front of the now-infamous st john’s church. by the time we left, about an hour after curfew, the crowd had grown to almost twice as large as monday night, and our second night of completely peaceful protest was uninterrupted by strong arm tactics. no need for all the donated gallons of milk to counteract tear gas effects on eyes. 

other marches this week were unlike any other actions i’ve been to here in DC (or anywhere actually). businesses lining wisconsin and pennsylvania avenues set up tables to offer free water, pizza, snacks, sandwiches to marchers. protesters brought copious amounts of masks, gloves, sanitizer, medical supplies, water, snacks to share with everyone. almost everyone wore a mask even though it got really hot and humid and somewhat hard to breathe. an astounding sense of community and purpose.

it has been terrible and uplifting and ultimately hopeful.

no pix to share cause at first we were worried about identifying people and then there was no time while passing out supplies. but you’ve seen all the pictures anyway. my dearest wish is that this week precedes a movement (not a moment) that brings true reform to our country so that eventually Black people don’t have to fear going for a jog or birdwatching or to the store or walking home through my neighborhood at night. please let this be the start.  

if interested, you can find info about educating, donating, or taking part here: