3 pieces: 280 X 356 cm each . acrylic, glitter, fabric paint, alcohol-ink pen, water marker, color pencil on paper . (2019-20)
a short lull this fall/winter, while i finished the front rooms. and then the kids all home, but creating art still a must, so worked directly on my idea drawing pad, something new.
“i am woman” repurposes the holiday card with some old newspaper advertisements, early examples of how men think women should improve themselves, and buy buy buy while they do it.
started/completed “i miss you and it’s winter” the day after marxe returned to school; and did the same with “why do i eat when i’m not hungry?” the day after mo returned to school. a long time since i’ve used writing/words in a piece — went with the inspiration. these two, completed so quickly (for me), feel raw without looking it, maybe cause of all the detail. maybe words still express myself better than visuals. or maybe the two complement each other rather nicely in my world. in any case, these are two of the most personal pieces i’ve done.
love using lots of different media on the same page. some combinations create neato effects.